There’s nothing like a good ol’ Aussie barbie!
We’ve found some innovative ways to feed a mob on moving day, but aside from the standard pizza, getting a BBQ going is one of the best ways we know a to christen your new home, get fed and get to bed.
And it just so happens that you don’t need a whole kitchen set up and unpacked to feed a family at home: you just need a BBQ, tongs, serviettes and optionally, some paper plates and/ or a couple of foil containers.
So being the full service, top notch removalist company that we are, we thought we’d share one of our favourite fast BBQ recipes for moving day: ie. it doesn’t require any overnight marinade, can be made in about 20 minutes and doesn’t need any cutlery. And the portions here should be enough to feed a small army.
BBQ Ingredients
– Chicken Thigh Fillets – 2 kgs
– Chinese 5 Spice – 3 Teaspoons (available in the spice section of any supermarket)
– Light Soy Sauce – 250 mls
– Sesame Seed Oil – 140 mls
20 Minute Cooking Method
After putting all the chicken in a large bowl sprinkle the 5 spice all over the chicken then add the light soy sauce and sesame seed oil.
- Mix it all through with your hands (the quick and easiest way to do it).
- Place the marinated chicken on a hot BBQ plate and cook for 7 to 8 minutes.
- Turn over and cook for another 7 to 8 minutes or until the meat is cooked.
No need to oil your BBQ plate because of the sesame seed oil in the marinate.
You can ease back or add to the portions for the ingredients if you like. It’s just a matter of personal preference.
This recipe can be eaten with your fingers and it’s super quick, super easy and super tasty.
But the best thing about it is these wings go great with a glass (or two) of wine!
Enjoy !!