The Ultimate
You’ve finally found your new place: wonderful! It’s signed, sealed and you can really envision yourself set up there. But now you’re faced with a whole lot of little tasks to accomplish, besides the actual furniture move.
Chin up – set your MetroMoving playlist up to full volume and keep reading below for the ultimate interactive moving house checklist that’ll cut this moving monster down to bite size chunks:

1. Start here…
You might be in the midst of the dreamy, pre-move honeymoon period, but trust us: ticking these few tasks off your moving checklist now will be a huge help later!
- Decide the best moving date for your schedule
- Book your MetroMoving date (if you haven’t already)
- Order a delivery of boxes and packing supplies from MetroMovers or Holloway Removalists Sydney
2. Two Weeks Before…
Mark this date on your calendar – this is when your move starts getting real!
- Pump up the volume on your awesome moving playlist!
- Start packing room by room, labelling each box clearly as you go (ie. contents, allocated room and if it contains fragile items)
- Set aside, throw or donate all your unwanted items (have you considered a garage sale or perhaps donating to the Salvos? They can even pick up large items!)
- Confirm parking availability for your moving truck at both the pick-up and delivery addresses and / or get a temporary parking permit from your local council.
3. One Week Before…
Your big moving date is coming up fast! If you feel like you’re running out of time, don’t worry: It’s perfectly normal.
Breathe deeply and keep following this moving out checklist: we’ve got you covered!
- Buy less food. Eat more at home. Start finishing the food left in your fridge and pantry. Experiment with cooking new dishes and use up what you’ve got!
- Separate all the items you’ll needed on moving day e.g. clothes, overnight carry bags, keys, contracts, medicines and toiletries.
- If you live in an apartment building, speak with the building manager to book your lift for the move
- Confirm any property settlement times
- Call your MetroMovers moving manager / Removalists Sydney with any questions or concerns.
- Notify your neighbours of your move out date – give them time to plan your farewell/ good riddance party.
- Notify these organisations of your impending moving date and change of address. It can take them 3-5 few business days to get it sorted, so do it now and get a smooth, timely service transition:
- Telephone line
- Internet / cable services
- Electricity services
- Gas services
- Water services
- Australia Post mail redirect
- Your contents or removals insurance agency
4. The Night Before…
The last night in your old place. Emotions and memories swell, but you’ve got no time to dwell on the past. Tonight’s your chance to finalise any unfinished tasks (ie. Still packing? If you’re running short on time, call us for last minute packing assistance).
So down a double shot and get into high gear: this “night before moving” checklist is going down!
- Finish packing everything but your overnight “essentials” bag
- Do the rounds: check under the wardrobe, tables and couches to salvage soon-to-be-lost items
- Unplug and disconnect your washing machine and dishwasher and let hoses drain out (into a bucket?)
- Disconnect and remove your BBQ gas bottle
- Prepare other appliances for removal
- Disconnect your fridge & freezer and empty what’s left into an esky. Then stick a towel under the fridge door to soak up any melting ice.
- If you have a car, park it in the best parking spot where you want your MetroMovers truck to stand. You can even put your bins out in the extra spaces to keep the parking spots available.
- Don’t forget to charge your phone overnight!
- Sleep well!
5. Moving Day!
Yay! It’s the BIG MOVING DAY and you don’t know what to do with yourself! Where’s your moving house checklist? (It’s here). Where’s the coffee? Why did you pack the sugar already? No worries: hop down to your favourite local café for a quick cuppa and get your head into gear before we call ahead to let you know your MetroMovers are on the way. Today’s going to fly!
- Receive a call from your friendly MetroMovers half an hour before your scheduled moving time to make sure you’re home and ready for our movers to arrive on time.
- Point out which boxes are marked ‘fragile’ to our movers, to make sure they aren’t missed.
- Twiddle your thumbs watching us work till everything is securely loaded up.
- Drive to your new address and tell our movers where you want them to unload your furniture/ boxes.
- Wave goodbye to your MetroMovers and order yourself a pizza (told you to charge your phone overnight!)
6. Notifications that can wait till after you’ve moved:
Some things on your moving house checklist can wait till after you’re all unpacked and settled in. Like notifying your change of address to the institutions that’ll give you a grace period after moving, such as:
- Your new local council (and let them know if you’ve got a pet)
- Banks and financial institutions (because you’ve already done an Australia Post redirect!)
- Electoral commission change of address
- Your GP, dentist and vet
- VIC License / NSW License and motor registration
- Clubs, memberships and subscriptions
- Friends and family (well, some family at least)
- Notifying Word of Mouth and/ or Product Review what a fantastic moving experience you had with MetroMovers!
FYI: If you close this page, you can always come back to it later and find all your checked boxes still up to date.
Or you can download the printable version of our ultimate moving house checklist right here.
See? MetroMoving’s easy!
Now all you’ve got left to do is invite everyone to the party!
Ready To Make A MetroMove?