Updated: 5 October 2020
If you’ve booked a move with us, you may be wondering if your move will proceed, given all the uncertainty caused by Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Can Removalists Still Work In Stage 4?
YES! Under the Stage 4 Restrictions in VIC and current restrictions in NSW, MetroMovers is permitted to operate within the Road Transport (passenger and freight) category so we are open and able to help you move.
VIC Government and NSW Government have advised that you are allowed to leave home for the purposes of relocation.
Under the current Stay At Home Directions in Victoria, section 10 states that you are allowed to leave your premises for a local or interstate move where the premises that you ordinarily reside in is no longer available or not suitable anymore e.g. rental agreement has ended or you have sold your premises.
If you are moving house in metropolitan Melbourne, the curfew hours still apply so you are not permitted to move between the hours of 8pm to 5am. If your move looks like it will run over the curfew, we will suggest extra men to complete your move within the curfew. DHHS has also recommended everyone to take extra steps to stay safe including wearing a face covering.
It is highly recommended to carry your proof of new residence with you when moving house.
So until we are directed otherwise by the Department of Health,
All moves are going ahead as planned.
We are currently running at full capacity and don’t foresee any reason to allay your moves. We are, of course, taking extra precautions to protect our customers, our movers and our community.
Realestate.com.au: Melbourne stage four restrictions: Can you move house in lockdown?
Interstate Relocations
For all interstate moves, please note there are different interstate border entry self isolation restrictions in place for different states.
- VIC: Self isolation is not required in VIC for interstate travel.
- NSW: NSW has noted that moving house is not a permitted reason to enter NSW. At the moment, the NSW-VIC border is closed so a NSW border entry permit is required to be obtained prior to travel to NSW. If you are travelling from VIC to NSW, 14 day hotel quarantine at your own expense is required.
Our Extra Precautions:
Our movers are being kept up to date with the latest health advice to maintain the highest standards of hygiene. We are providing every moving team with hand sanitisers and surface sprays.
They are also:
- Disinfecting our equipment at the beginning and end of each day curfew.
- Thoroughly washing hands and sanitizing regularly before, during and after each move.
- Keeping our staff up-to-date with Australian Department of Health advice on good hygiene and social distancing, with particular emphasis on regular and thorough hand-washing.
- Wearing masks except where they need to remove their masks while they are lifting and carrying furniture which requires them to be able to breathe efficiently during exertion.
- Maintaining a safe (1-2 metre) distance from customers as much as possible.
- Instructing staff not to attend work if they have any symptoms of illness. Instead, anyone experiencing symptoms has been instructed to stay home and follow the relevant Australian government protocols regarding self-isolating and testing.
- Avoiding any high-risk situations.
- If requested by the customer, team members will wipe down furniture and spaces after setting down furniture at delivery. Customers to please provide disinfectant and wipes if they require team members to wipe down and disinfect furniture at delivery.
What You Can Do To Help:
- Wear a mask at all times.
- Keep yourself at a safe distance from our movers by allowing the team members optimum space within which to move their furniture in order to adhere to the 1.5m social distancing rule.
- Urged to hand-sanitize and/or disinfect where you may have been any unwitting contact during the move.
- Please don’t shake hands with our removalists.
- Please take responsibility and notify us to reschedule as soon as possible if you or anyone in your household has been in a high-risk situation, has been exposed to another person diagnosed with COVID-19 or is in isolation for any other reason.
- If you have a business move or a survey booked with us and your company has moved to a work-from-home model, please email us at sales@metromovers.com.au to advise if there will be staff members on hand to direct our movers on your move day.
If anything changes, we will update you immediately. If you have any questions, please contact our customer care team on 1300 138 960.
Until the next update, please be safe, practice common sense and look after yourselves.
We’re all working together to keep our collective community safe and healthy.
Best regards,
Peter Borain
CEO of MetroMovers